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The IKO offers a reliable and professional training program. Instructors become IKO certified by attending the 5 day Instructor Training Course (ITC). Existing IKO water-certified instructors can complete a shorter IEC (Instructor Equivalency Course) which lasts 3 days. The IKO certification is recognized by the international kiteboarding community as the international standard in teaching. At the end of the training, you will have developed abilities in the following major areas: safety, practical environment, analysis, technique, teaching psychology and live situation. After attending an ITC and having reached the required level, you will be qualified as IKO Instructor level 1 and will be able to continue your pro training.

Your benefits with the IKO

- Get an International Diploma that allows you to teach worldwide
- Benefit from teaching tools that are constantly updated
- Certify the level of your trainees with the Snow Kiter Card
- Receive the Pro Newsletter
- Benefit from the jobs offers in the pro area
- Continue your pro career by become Instructor level 2, level 2 Senior and then Examiner
- Get the IKO Kiteboarding Center affiliation for your school (once Instructor level 2)

Prerequisites to become snowkite instructor level 1 (IKO ITC)

- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a snow kiter level 3 for more than 6 months
- Be able to perform a jump, perform a controlled turn and switch riding, ride constantly up - wind and ride between other riders
- Know how to ski or snowboard
- Provide an attestation (letter of recommendation) of a teaching experience in a water, aerial, or skiing sport
- Have a valid first aid certificate
- Have driving license

Prerequisites to become snowkite instructor level 1 (IKO IEC)

- Be an IKO instructor level 1
- Have a valid IKO membership
- Be able to perform a jump, perform a controlled turn and switch riding, ride constantly up - wind and ride between other riders
- Know how to ski or snowboard,
- Have a valid first aid certificate,
- Have driving license.




Price (eur)



only 590 eur per person



only 325 eur per person





11th - 15th of February 2008


13th - 15th of February 2008


16th of February 2008

IKO ITC and IKO IEC courses organized by HARAKIRI SNOWKITING will be tought in english language!

How to enrol in a course?

Make sure you meet the prerequisites for choosen course (ITC or IEC courses) and have the necessary documents. Download, fill in and sign the Snow ITC candidate waiver form or the Snow IEC candidate waiver form and send along with the supporting documents to info(at) .

Transport to HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center

You can get easily to HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center by airplane, train or car depending on direction you are comming from. The nearist international airports are: Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Ostrava. From these airports you can take easily train to city called Hranice Na Morave which is just about 15 min. by car to our HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center situated in town Odry. You can also get on the highway with your car from Prag, Brno, Bratislava or Ostrava and be in our HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center withing 1 to 3 hours car drive.

Accomodation and food in HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center

You do not have to look for your accomodation and food any further. Just choose from one of the price effective options that HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center can provide. If you prefer to be at place where everything is happening, then choose our stylish snowkiting accomodation at our HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center. Every two rooms are equiped with toilet and bathroom. If you are more demending snowkiter then choose the near pensionate which is 5 min. walk distance from our HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center. Every room is equiped with satelite TV, phone, toilet and bathroom.

type of accomodation

price incl. breakfast and dinner

Stylish snowkiting accomodation

10 eur per person and night (only accomodation)

Pensionate for demanding client

25 eur per person and night

At our HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center you can enjoy not only IKO courses but also a lot of fun!

Do not hesitate! IKO ITC and IEC courses in HARAKIRI SNOWKITING center are the best way to your snowkiting instructor career.

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